
Ruby Ring

Obruchka z rubinom (2018)

Dramë, Romancë | Ukrainë

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Vlerësimi: 7.0/10

Ruby Ring is a story of two sisters, Anna and Yana, whose lives are drastically changed by a sudden car accident. The women were heading for Kiev. Anna was going to marry soon and she was heading for a rehearsal of the wedding. Yana, who was dreaming of becoming a popular TV host, was hurrying to an audition for a new TV show. Somewhere on the road, the car in which the sisters were traveling crashed into the truck. Despite all prognoses, both sisters survived. But, due to a coincidence, at the time of the accident Yana was wearing Anna's ruby ring. Because of serious injuries, the sisters' faces are mutilated, and neither doctors nor relatives can distinguish between Yana and Anna. The ruby ring, a gift from Anna's fiance, has played a crucial role - the women's identities are confused. Having recovered, envious and ambitious Yana realizes that everyone around her thinks she is Anna, so she decides to lie and take away everything her sister has - her face, the man she loves, her life...

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