A drama about one of New York's most prestigious ad agencies at the beginning of the 1960s, focusing on one of the firm's most mysterious but extremely talented...
The Legacy is a modern family portrait. A description of the '68 generation and their children. A narrative about the sharp traces and consequences left by an...
E përballur me shkatërrimin e qytetit nga duart e një kompanie lakmitare të minierave, mësuesja rebele e shkollës së mesme Sarah Cooper përdor një shteg të errët...
Seriali dramatic me I ndjekur ne SHBA, fitues I dhjetera cmimeve. Pese protagoniste, me nje objektiv te vetem: te behen mjeket me te mire te vendit, eshte ky...
Dr. Gregori Hauz, një mjek rebel sjellja e të cilit shkon në kufijte e shoqërores, sfidohet nga të panjohurat mjekesore përpara të cilave mjeket e tjere dorezohen.
Abby O'Brien Winters returns to Chesapeake Shores when she receives a panicked phone call from her younger sister Jess, who has renovated the charming Inn at...
Narcos: Mexico exploring the origins of the modern drug war by going back to its roots, beginning at a time when the Mexican trafficking world was a loose and...
Harry Bosch is an irreverent homicide detective in Los Angeles. Like any good protagonist he has problems with authority, follows his gut and bends a few rules...
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