Narcos: Mexico exploring the origins of the modern drug war by going back to its roots, beginning at a time when the Mexican trafficking world was a loose and...
Harry Bosch is an irreverent homicide detective in Los Angeles. Like any good protagonist he has problems with authority, follows his gut and bends a few rules...
Title character Sebastian Stark is an L.A. hot-shot lawyer, who leaves his lucrative career as defender of rich criminals to join the public prosecution under the...
Dr. Mark Sloan is a doctor at Community General Hospital, and he is a consultant for the police department. His son Steve Sloan is a detective for the department....
Facing an existential threat that could bring down the Crime Lab, a brilliant team of forensic investigators must welcome back old friends and deploy new...
They call him the Sniffer. He's the proud owner of an acute sense of smell, he knows things about you even you don't and would rather keep to yourself. He'll find...
The Naval Criminal Investigation Service's Office of Special Projects takes on the undercover work and the hard to crack cases in LA. Key agents are G. Callen and...
In 1905, young Julio arrives at the Grand Hotel, an idyllic place in the middle of the countryside, to investigate his sister's disappearance. He gets a job as a...
In the late 1890s, police Inspector William Murdoch takes a new, more scientific approach to solving crimes. Assisted by coroner Dr. Julia Ogden and Constable...
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