Ciro disregards tradition in his attempt to become the next boss of his crime syndicate. The internal power struggle puts him and his entire family's life at risk.
A metropolis in turmoil. From economy to culture, politics to the underworld - everything is in the grip of radical change. Speculation and inflation are already...
Narcos: Mexico exploring the origins of the modern drug war by going back to its roots, beginning at a time when the Mexican trafficking world was a loose and...
The neighbor of a man suspected of having murdered his wife and children who is convinced of his innocence and sets off to investigate the case herself thanks to...
The plot follows the lives of two people who, at first glance, are connected only by their name - Kosta. First one, refugee from Krajina, is trying to survive,...
Narcos tells the true-life story of the growth and spread of cocaine drug cartels across the globe and attendant efforts of law enforcement to meet them head on...
1900s Vienna, a hot bed of philosophy, science and art, where a clash of cultures and ideas collide in the city's grand cafes and opera houses. Max Liebermann is...
Lilly Rush is a Philadelphia police detective working for the department's homicide squad and being assigned "cold cases:" crimes that were committed many years...
Based on Agatha Christie's short stories. Hercule Poirot is a famous Belgian detective, who always gets embroiled in a mystery, usually along with his faithful...
As any detective can tell you, investigating missing property or deaths is comparatively easy compared to elusive missing people. However in New York City, there...
Harry Bosch is an irreverent homicide detective in Los Angeles. Like any good protagonist he has problems with authority, follows his gut and bends a few rules...
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