In the late 1890s, police Inspector William Murdoch takes a new, more scientific approach to solving crimes. Assisted by coroner Dr. Julia Ogden and Constable...
Facing an existential threat that could bring down the Crime Lab, a brilliant team of forensic investigators must welcome back old friends and deploy new...
Dr. Mark Sloan is a doctor at Community General Hospital, and he is a consultant for the police department. His son Steve Sloan is a detective for the department....
Title character Sebastian Stark is an L.A. hot-shot lawyer, who leaves his lucrative career as defender of rich criminals to join the public prosecution under the...
In 1905, young Julio arrives at the Grand Hotel, an idyllic place in the middle of the countryside, to investigate his sister's disappearance. He gets a job as a...
Based on Agatha Christie's short stories. Hercule Poirot is a famous Belgian detective, who always gets embroiled in a mystery, usually along with his faithful...
Blue Bloods follows the lives of the NYPD's First Family of Law Enforcement: the Reagans. Frank, the Police Comissioner and son of former PC Henry Reagan, must...
1900s Vienna, a hot bed of philosophy, science and art, where a clash of cultures and ideas collide in the city's grand cafes and opera houses. Max Liebermann is...
Elliot Stabler returns to the NYPD to battle organized crime after a devastating personal loss. However, the city and police department have changed dramatically...
Lilly Rush is a Philadelphia police detective working for the department's homicide squad and being assigned "cold cases:" crimes that were committed many years...
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