Gjurmon historinë e video-lojërave klasike, duke shfaqur njohuri nga novatorët që sollën në jetë këto botë dhe personazhe.

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TV Dukagjini  EXP Shkence  

  • Njerëzimi: Historia jonë shpikjes (2012)

    Follow-up to America: The Story of the US (2010). Mankind embraces a groundbreaking way of telling this epic human story. Drawing on a growing global interest in...
  • Qytetërime (2018)

    Nine-part series telling the story of art from the dawn of human history to the present day, for the first time on a global scale. It is now nearly half a century...
  • WWII Documentary Films

    Award-winning documentary films produced to enlighten future generations about the personal stories of the WWII generations.
  • Clash of the Gods (2009)

    Covers many of the ancient Greek and Norse Gods, monsters and heroes including Hades, Hercules, Medusa, Minotaur, Odysseus and Zeus.

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