It is a light hearted comedy about nuns who are constantly dodging attempts by the mayor to take over their cloister in order to create business opportunities for...
Heidi is a little girl who is full of beans. She faces many problems up in the Swiss alps whilst living with her grandfather. Heidi lights up and soothes the...
At a turning point in his life, 20-year-old Aljosa Kovac is trying to balance between the expectations of his father Velja, the ambitions of his mother Mira, his...
Kung Fu Panda: Legends of Awesomeness tells the continuing adventures of Po as he trains, protects, fights, teaches, learns, stumbles, talks too much, and geeks...
Dr. Gregori Hauz, një mjek rebel sjellja e të cilit shkon në kufijte e shoqërores, sfidohet nga të panjohurat mjekesore përpara të cilave mjeket e tjere dorezohen.
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