A German-Austrian crime series which features the detectives Oberländer and Zeiler who are investigating murder cases across the national border. Shot mainly on locations in the city of Bregenz and the surrounding area at Lake Constance.
Srpski "Fox crime" rekonstruiše zločine koji se odvijaju pred našim očima. Ubistva, pljačke, otmice, trgovina ljudima...naći će se u fokusu kriminalističkih...
The Just: Crime Unit is set in Wroclaw and follows a team of municipal police officers, each struggling with the burden of their past experiences, which have been...
For detectives, the key to solving the toughest homicides lies somewhere within the final 24 hours of the victim’s life. Homicide: Hours to Kill is a true-crime...
A reality-based crime story series with interesting plot twists dealing with some of the citizens of Atlanta. The dramatizations are profoundly chosen. The true...
Police Detective Derrick Levasseur and Forensic Psychologist Kris Mohandiewill apply their unique talents and investigatory skills as they re-examine original...
City Confidential features real life stories in a wide variety of American cities. While many of these stories deal with murder, some also deal with attempted...
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