This series is more than the story of war production, it's the untold story of World War II. No matter how many soldiers or how clever the generals,how daring the...
Reportazh nga Alma Cupi. Histori per njerezit qe punojne, kontribuojne per komunitetin, ngrene biznese, ruajne, traditen, kulturen si dhe ndihmojne ne zhvillimin...
This ground-breaking series takes a unique approach in delving into engineering mysteries behind the world's most famous ancient structures, by observing them...
Redakcija za kulturu i umetnost premijerno prikazuje emisiju posvećenu heroinama Velikog rata i junakinjama knjige "Velike žene u Velikom ratu" autorke Slavice...
Mother and daughter Astrid and Audrey are lawyers specializing in family law who take the perilous decision to work together. From the bulldog being fought over...
A mockumentary about life in a mid-sized suboffice paper merchants in a bleak British industrial town, where manager David Brent thinks he's the coolest,...
The backbone of the "Drzavni Posao (Government Job)" are satirical talks between the three actors, the comments are reminiscent of the "stand-up" form. These are...
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