Numri i episodave: 10

  • Episodi 1.
    Episode 1
  • Episodi 2.
    Episode 2
  • Episodi 3.
    Episode 3
  • Episodi 4.
    Episode 4
  • Episodi 5.
    Episode 5
  • Episodi 6.
    Episode 6
  • Episodi 7.
    Episode 7
  • Episodi 8.
    Episode 8
  • Episodi 9.
    Episode 9
  • Episodi 10.
    Episode 10
  • Anatomia e Greit (2005)

    Seriali dramatic me I ndjekur ne SHBA, fitues I dhjetera cmimeve. Pese protagoniste, me nje objektiv te vetem: te behen mjeket me te mire te vendit, eshte ky...
  • In all Friendliness (1998)

    This show is focused on a fictional clinic in Leipzig called 'Sachsenklinik' as well as its staff and patients.
  • The Legacy (2014)

    The Legacy is a modern family portrait. A description of the '68 generation and their children. A narrative about the sharp traces and consequences left by an...
  • My Cat from Hell (2011)

    Xheksoni trajton macet që nuk sillen mirë. Ai ndihmon njerëzit që të përballen me mace që kam probleme përshtatjeje.

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