Paul Boche

Ditëlindje: 1987
1. Time Heroes (2016), Film...Kjelt
2. Wir sind die Rosinskis (2016), Film...Eckert
3. Zazy (2016), Film...Tomek
4. F for Freaks (2019), Film
...Leif Beermann
6. Smile (2019), Film...Bronco
7. Notes of Berlin (2020), Film...Josh
8. SAS: Rogue Heroes (2022), seriale...Walter Essner
9. The Night Between Us (2023), Film...Haro
10. Finally Dawn (2023), Film...Soldato SS
11. The Tattooist of Auschwitz (2024), seriale...Schwarzhuber
12. The Next Level (2024), seriale...Kostja