FILMA Faqja 179

  • District 9

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    District 9

    District 9 (2009)

    A field operative (Sharlto Copley) for a company that oversees extraterrestrial refugees contracts a mysterious virus that begins to change his DNA.

  • The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance

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    The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance

    The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance (1962)

    When Senator Ransom Stoddard returns home to Shinbone for the funeral of Tom Doniphon, he recounts to a local newspaper editor the story behind it all. He had come to town many years before, a lawyer by profession....

  • Koktej baruti

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    Koktej baruti

    Gunpowder Milkshake (2021)

    E braktisur nga mamaja që në fëmijëri, në jetën e saj të trazuar, Sam, vendosi të ndjekë rrugën e së ëmës, duke u bërë një vrasëse profesioniste. E ngarkuar me një mision të ndërlikuar dhe e angazhuar për të mbrojtur...

  • Nasty Love

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    Nasty Love

    L'amore molesto (1995)

    When her elderly mother dies - apparently happy but in curious circumstances - her daughter travels home to Naples for the funeral. Staying on, she tries to piece together her mother's recent life. In doing so she...

  • A Tight Spot

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    A Tight Spot

    Tesna koža (1982)

    In this light, fluffy comedy, a low-level clerk cannot make ends meet because his brood is in no way economically cooperative: his daughter is a lawyer looking for work, unsuccessfully; his son is a would-be...

  • We Are Not Angels 3: Rock & Roll Strike Back

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    We Are Not Angels 3: Rock & Roll Strike Back

    A3 - Rock'n'Roll uzvraća udarac (2006)

    Angel and the Devil fight for the soul of a Belgrade rocker, that he can't survive in the body of an old punker.

  • Rumba Therapy

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    Rumba Therapy

    Rumba la vie (2022)

    Tony is a macho middle-aged school bus driver in the provinces with no friends or relations. A sudden heart attack throws him into a tailspin. Tony's convinced he's going to die. When his cardiologist warns him : We...

  • Akt trimërie

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    Akt trimërie

    Act of Valor (2012)

    Roselyn Sanchez. Gjatë nje misioni për shpëtimin e dy agjentëve të C.I.A-s, një skuadër e forcave speciale zbulon një celulë terroriste që rrezikon gjithë botën. Ata do të rrezikojnë jetët e tyre, për të ndalur me çdo...

  • The Perfect Tenant

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    The Perfect Tenant

    Perfect Tenant (2000)

    Twenty years ago Danny Summer found his father hanging from the rafters on Christmas Eve. Ever since that night he has been plotting revenge. When Brian Hartwell moves into Jessica Michael's guesthouse, she has no...

  • Thirteen Ghosts

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    Thirteen Ghosts

    Thir13en Ghosts (2001)

    Arthur and his two children, Kathy and Bobby, inherit his Uncle Cyrus's estate: a glass house that serves as a prison to 12 ghosts. When the family, accompanied by Bobby's Nanny and an attorney, enter the house they...

  • Trëndafili helmues

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    Trëndafili helmues

    The Poison Rose (2019)

    John Travolta, Morgan Freeman, Blerim Destani. Një detektiv privat punësohet nga ish e dashura e tij për të hetuar një rast rutinë zhdukjeje personi. Hetimi e përball atë me personazhe enigmatikë dhe me të kaluarën e...

  • The Skulls 2

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    The Skulls 2

    The Skulls II (2002)

    After joining the Skulls, Ryan Sommers (Robin Dunne) is warned not to betray any secrets about the organization or its high-powered members. However, when Ryan witnesses a murder within the Skulls' private chambers,...

  • Protecting Paradise: The Story of Niue

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    Protecting Paradise: The Story of Niue

    Protecting Paradise: The Story of Niue (2023)

    National Geographic Pristine Seas returns to Niue to study how a new marine reserve is helping safeguard its ocean resources for generations to come.

  • Jeta e te tjereve

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    Jeta e te tjereve

    Das Leben der Anderen (2006)

    Fitues Oskarit si "Filmi më i mirë i huaj". Gjermani; para rënies së murit të Berlinit. Kur e gjithë popullsia ishte nën përgjim, një agjent i policisë sekrete obsesionohet me jetën e një shkrimtari dhe dashnores së tij.

  • Dhoma e zhgënjimeve

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    Dhoma e zhgënjimeve

    The Disappointments Room (2016)

    Një nënë dhe djali i saj lirojnë tmerret më të paimagjinueshme nga bodrumi i shtëpisë së tyre të ëndrrave.


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