
Das Tal der Mörder

Das Tal der Mörder (2020)

Krim, Dramë, Thriller | Gjermani

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Vlerësimi: 5.2/10


Law student Eva makes a promise on her mother's deathbed. She wants to ensure that the stonemason Anton Gasser receives his just punishment. The charismatic power-craving man Gasser is said to have his wife and Eva's father on his conscience, but was never prosecuted for it. Regardless of all the dangers, Eva clings to the heels of the alleged double murderer. As a housekeeper, she begins to work under a false name for the widower and his sons on a remote yard in the Austrian province. Before Eva knows it, she sinks deeper and deeper into a thicket of lies and half-truths and increasingly loses the ground under her feet.


Das Tal der MörderDas Tal der MörderDas Tal der MörderDas Tal der MörderDas Tal der MörderDas Tal der MörderDas Tal der MörderDas Tal der MörderDas Tal der MörderDas Tal der MörderDas Tal der MörderDas Tal der MörderDas Tal der MörderDas Tal der MörderDas Tal der Mörder


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