
Rosamunde Pilcher

Rosamunde Pilcher (2011)

Dramë, Romancë | Gjermani

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EPISODI: 106 - Gefährliche Brandung


Anglican reverend Paul Gilmore is transferred after unsubstantiated rumors of sexual misconduct from Newquay to Seabridge, within Cornwall diocese, followed only by his housekeeper and sister in law, Jane. Widower Paul falls in love with architect Penelope Moore, the architect hired by tycoon Mylor to transform his old parish church, which barely draws half a dozen people on sunny days, into a HQ for his surfing company, which sponsors his son Justin, who starts an affair with Penelope's daughter Mia.


Rosamunde PilcherRosamunde PilcherRosamunde PilcherRosamunde PilcherRosamunde PilcherRosamunde PilcherRosamunde PilcherRosamunde PilcherRosamunde PilcherRosamunde PilcherRosamunde PilcherRosamunde PilcherRosamunde PilcherRosamunde PilcherRosamunde Pilcher


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