
Das Märchen von der Regentrude

Das Märchen von der Regentrude (2018)

Fantazi, Familjar | Gjermani
Regjia: Klaus Knoesel

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Vlerësimi: 5.9/10


In a drought-tormented peasant town, Andrees hopes to wed Maren, daughter of the richest valley land owner who sells the rare water for dried-up hill pastures. He however refuses her hand to the son of a widow whose husband foolishly limited himself to hill cattle, hence is about to loose all. yet he jocularly promises to allow the wedding and scrap the debt as wedding gift if the couple manages to end the drought by awaking the legendary rain fairy. The youngster set out to find her, countered by the fire master, a demon who thrives in heat waves. They must combine their skills and improvise.


Das Märchen von der RegentrudeDas Märchen von der RegentrudeDas Märchen von der RegentrudeDas Märchen von der Regentrude


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