Vlerësimi: 4.2/10
Vlerësimi i përdoruesit: 10/10
(2 Voto)


Joe believed in right and wrong until... His job outsourced to India. His teaser rate spiked. His wife bailed. But Joe has a plan...to get it all back, and more. Joe returns home, to the last place on planet Earth where real men can be found...Chicago. Joe's Uncle Dominic is "connected". Joe wants in...to The Mob, or "The Outfit", as it is called in Chicago. And he'll do anything to make it happen. Can a wanna-be wise guy live a long and happy life ? A way cool element of The Return of Joe Rich is amazing HD documentary footage of 10 real-life "Chicago Guys" ages 73 to 89. These "guys" found themselves in the same predicament, in real life, in the 1930's, 40's, and 50's, that Joe does today. They form a "Greek Chorus" which inter-cuts with the present day narrative of The Return of Joe Rich.


The Return of Joe RichThe Return of Joe RichThe Return of Joe RichThe Return of Joe RichThe Return of Joe RichThe Return of Joe RichThe Return of Joe RichThe Return of Joe RichThe Return of Joe RichThe Return of Joe Rich


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