France, 1911. Louise Perreau is struggling financially to raise her 10-year-old son Gaston. The prospect of a new job in Paris brings her the hope of a better life. She has to enroll her son at Les Vermiraux, where children are supposed to get a good education. But the institution is in fact a horrible place where the young boarders are abused and exploited. A revolt breaks out, staff are violently attacked and the site is wrecked. A young judge starts a legal action against the ringleaders, but also against the two local bigwigs in charge of the institution.


The Brave JudgeThe Brave JudgeThe Brave JudgeThe Brave JudgeThe Brave JudgeThe Brave JudgeThe Brave JudgeThe Brave JudgeThe Brave JudgeThe Brave JudgeThe Brave Judge


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