
In Gold We Trust

600 kilos d'or pur (2010)

Aksion, Aventurë | Francë
Regjia: Eric Besnard

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Vlerësimi: 4.5/10


A group of adventurers sets out to rob a gold mine in the heart of French Guiana. But the operation does not go as planned, and, during their flight, their helicopter must land in disaster in the middle of the jungle. They got their hands on six hundred kilograms of gold - but now have to carry it on their backs in a very hostile environment. The booty becomes a burden. The seven fugitives, four men, two women, plunge into the jungle. The climate, insects, fatigue, the threat of pursuers - Everything contributes to making their long march impossible. The forest seems to be closing in on them. And the cohesion of the group is eaten away by the gold fever .


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