Vlerësimi: 6.1/10
Vlerësimi i përdoruesit: 9/10
(13 Voto)


Kate Harper, a television personality, is sent to a small town in North Dakota to discover her Christmas spirit after accidently being caught on live TV saying she dislikes Christmas. Along the way, she reconciles with her college boyfriend and father while finding her Christmas sprit.


Histori KrishtlindjeshHistori KrishtlindjeshHistori KrishtlindjeshHistori KrishtlindjeshHistori KrishtlindjeshHistori KrishtlindjeshHistori KrishtlindjeshHistori KrishtlindjeshHistori KrishtlindjeshHistori KrishtlindjeshHistori KrishtlindjeshFoto: RTL / © Crown Media United States, LLCFoto: RTL / © Crown Media United States, LLCFoto: RTL / © Crown Media United States, LLC


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