A comedy about a small New Jersey town on the night of Orson Welles' legendary 1938 "War of the Worlds" radio broadcast, which led millions of listeners to believe the U.S. was being invaded by Martians.
In a small New Jersey town on the night of Orson Welles's legendary 1938 "War of the Worlds" radio broadcast, the hoax that terrified millions into believing Martians were invading America, citizens face what they think is their last night on Earth. The over-worked town's mayor Clark (Tony Hale) will take a chance on love. The neglected housewife, Lorraine (Heather Burns) will break free from her big-cheese husband (Sam Jaeger). The demure schoolteacher Peg (Anna Camp) will become a warrior. The aimless reverend (Dan Bakkedahl) will rediscover his faith. The scared Sheriff (Mel Rodriguez) will find his courage. And the reclusive war veteran (Raymond J. Barry) will become a hero as he convinces the town to fight the aliens. All these characters join forces for a final "battle" that leads to a surprising and hilarious outcome.


Brave New JerseyBrave New JerseyBrave New JerseyBrave New JerseyBrave New JerseyBrave New JerseyBrave New JerseyBrave New JerseyBrave New JerseyBrave New Jersey


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