'Get Outa Here

Verschwinde von Hier (1999)

Dramë | Gjermani

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Drama o odrastanju u disfunkcionalnoj obitelji. Film je osvojio više nagrada: 2001. godine nagradu Adolf Grimme za najboji igrani film; njemačku televizijsku nagradu za najbolji scenarij, glavnu nagradu na festivalu Max Ophuls redateljici Franziski Buch. USER COMMENT:
Tales of difficult childhoods in dysfunctional families, stories of lost innocence and coming-of-age in a street-, junkie- or criminal milieu belong (for reasons I dont understand myself since I grew up pretty protected) to my favourite motives in a film. Real children are neither sweet angels (as in a John Hughes film) nor little monsters (as in many horror-movies) but something in between. They can be mature and irresponsible, clever and stupid, cute and cruel all at the same time.


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