The good news is that you can live until you're one hundred. The bad news is that society doesn't need you after sixty. So what to do with the last third of your life? Louise and Frans both have a plan. Louise (60), a strong, independent molecular-biologist and daughter of Doris (77), decides to get pregnant and have a baby. Frans (60), a gallery-owner, life-long bachelor and father of Max (27), decides to re-start his career by discovering the next rising star in the contemporary art scene. While struggling to redefine themselves, correct past mistakes, make up for lost time and avoid total ridicule, Louise's and Frans' paths cross. Obsessed with Romy, his 27 year-old intern and regular sex-mate, the last thing Frans needs is to fall in love with a sixty year-old woman with frozen eggs and a sperm donor. But he does. Obsessed with turning back the biological clock and finally finding out what it feels like to hold her own baby in her arms, the last thing Louise needs is to fall in ...


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