
Luci d'estate

Sommerlicht (2011)

Dramë, Romancë | Gjermani
Regjia: Wolf Gremm

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Vlerësimi: 4.0/10


Lea Walter stubbornly refuses to save the family's ailing Mallorca 'bodega' (wine estate) by selling some paintings of her late, eccentric father to finance the modernization her son Ebrico supervises. So he flew in family friend Sean Everrad, a New York gallery holder and psychologist. The heated family discussions and Enrico's son Daniel playing with the heirloom doll-house lead to uncovering dark secrets.


Luci d'estateLuci d'estateLuci d'estateLuci d'estateLuci d'estateLuci d'estateLuci d'estateLuci d'estateLuci d'estateLuci d'estateLuci d'estateLuci d'estate


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