Fine suffers from not being seen but she also does her best at not being noticed, even though she is an acting student. At night, when her mentally handicapped sister Jule cannot get to sleep and stereotypically bangs her head against the wall, Fine turns the recorder on and gives a firework of singing, acting and dancing. However in the acting school she lacks self confidence to uninhibitedly storm the stage. After the well known director Kasper Friedemann invites Fine for an audition, she convinces him with her acting. But he also sees in Fine an injured being (vulnerable personality) that matches his vision of Camille, the main character in his next play. Fine gets her first big part that she in no way wants to lose. She slips into another identity. As Camille, she awakens to her femininity, but through Camille, Fine also loses her own strengths that she shows every day in dealing with her sister Jule. Because Camille is not only self-conscious and sexually active but at the same ...


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