
The Scorpion King 4: Quest for Power

The Scorpion King: The Lost Throne (2015)

Aksion, Fantazi, Aventurë | Shtetet e Bashkuara të Amerikës
Regjia: Mike Elliott

Vlerësimi: 4.1/10
Vlerësimi i përdoruesit: 5.5/10
(17 Voto)


Double-crossed by a good friend during a dangerous quest to retrieve the Urn of Kings, a rare artefact that unleashes the ancient power of the sorcerer, Lord Alcaman, Mathayus sets out on a journey to the kingdom of Norvania to deliver a peace treaty. Instead, the Akkadian warrior finds himself wrongfully accused of murder, with the soldiers of an entire kingdom after him. Now, Mathayus must rely on his skills and his only allies, the fellow prisoner, Valina, and her inventor father, Sorrell, to escape from the hostile realm in one piece. Is the Scorpion King capable of stopping the dark warlock's magical force?


The Scorpion King 4: Quest for PowerFoto: RTL / © Universal StudiosFoto: RTL / © Universal StudiosFoto: RTL / © Universal StudiosFoto: RTL / © Universal StudiosFoto: RTL / © Universal StudiosNBCUNBCUNBCUNBCU


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