Singapore-based Dr. Siddhant Arya recruits a superhumanly powerful Indian-born man named Rohit Mehra, who was given special powers by a blue-skinned alien named Jadoo, to build a computer that can forecast the future, which results in an accident that kills Rohit. When this news reaches Rohit's mother, Sonia, in India, she passes this on to Rohit's wife, Nisha, who has just given birth to a son named Krishna. However, Nisha, unable to handle this devastating news, passes away, leaving Krishna to be brought up by Sonia. When Krishna is enrolled in school, she notices that he has the same intellectual and physical powers that his father possessed, so in order to shield him from any harm, she moves to a secluded and remote area in a mountainous region of the country, where he grows up. Years later, Krishna has matured, has acquired the same special powers that his father had, and is also able to communicate with animals. He meets with a camper named Priya and is attracted to her.




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