Vlerësimi: 6.5/10
Vlerësimi i përdoruesit: 8.2/10
(27 Voto)


In a red light district, newswoman Karen White is bugged by the police, investigating serial killer Eddie Quist, who has been molesting her through phone calls. After police officers find them in a peep-show cabin and shoot Eddie, Karen becomes emotionally disturbed and loses her memory. Hoping to conquer her inner demons, she heads for the Colony, a secluded retreat where the creepy residents are rather too eager to make her feel at home. There also seems to be a bizarre connection between Eddie Quist and this supposedly safe haven. And when, after nights of being tormented by unearthly cries, Karen ventures into the forest and makes a terrifying discovery.


The HowlingThe HowlingThe HowlingThe HowlingThe HowlingThe HowlingThe HowlingThe HowlingThe HowlingThe HowlingThe HowlingThe HowlingThe HowlingThe HowlingThe Howling


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