Vlerësimi: 5.5/10
Vlerësimi i përdoruesit: 8.5/10
(6 Voto)


With two weeks left until Christmas, the last thing new boy in town Ben expects, is Santa to crash land in front of him in the middle of a storm! Being chased by Gerold Goblynch, an evil man who wants to steal Christmas, Santa must find help if he is going to free his elves and Christmas angels from Goblynch's evil grasp. Will Santa succeed and save his Christmas helpers so every child's Christmas wish will be heard and come true? From the extraordinary to the bizarre, Ben and his school friend Charlotte are now faced with a festive adventure full of chases, invisible reindeers, fake Santas and vicious nutcrackers, and all because Santa fell to Earth!


When Santa Fell to EarthWhen Santa Fell to EarthWhen Santa Fell to EarthWhen Santa Fell to EarthWhen Santa Fell to EarthWhen Santa Fell to EarthWhen Santa Fell to Earth


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