
Mein Kind - Moya Ditina

Mein Kind - Moya Ditina (2024)

Dramë | Gjermani

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Judith and Niclas fulfill their desire to have children through a surrogate mother in Ukraine. The shock is huge when war breaks out there. The fear for Oksana and the baby is growing. The couple offers the surrogate mother, to flee to them in Germany. In fact, the pregnant Oksana with her nine-year-old daughter pops up a few days later at their doorstep. But the safe...


Mein Kind - Moya DitinaMein Kind - Moya DitinaMein Kind - Moya DitinaMein Kind - Moya DitinaMein Kind - Moya DitinaMein Kind - Moya DitinaMein Kind - Moya DitinaMein Kind - Moya DitinaMein Kind - Moya DitinaMein Kind - Moya Ditina


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