
Ehsaas: The Feeling

Ehsaas (2001)

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Ravi Naik lives a middle-class life with his son Rohan in the country of India. He brings up his son in such strict, quiet, and disciplined atmosphere that his son starts to resent him and his mannerisms. All Ravi wants is to get Rohan to excel as an athlete and win the forthcoming athletic event, but Rohan goes through a series of operations that lead him to sustain injuries in his body, but Ravi is still bent on Rohan winning the race, so he makes him practice day and night. His immediate neighbors, Antra Pandit and her mom, are critical of the way Ravi handles his son and suggest that he adapt a more lenient view. But Ravi ignores this advice and assure to anyone interfering that the end result of his art of teaching will be good.


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