Scientist brings virtual reality characters to life. Two are women from the cybersex game site. The third is a warrior who wants to unleash the rest of the bad guys from the virtual reality underworld. A border cop must defeat the virtual reality warrior while learning to relate to one of the cybersex babes.


Ska rishikime
  • Barb Uair (1996)

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  • Pushtimi i fundit (2013)

    Pas rrëzimit të një anijeje jashtëtokësore ne vitin 1947, një skuadër e specialzuar krijohet për të mbrojtur njerëzit. Por jashtëtokësorët sulmojnë 66 vjet më...
  • Ushtari Universal (1992)

    J.C.Van Damme. Ushtaret e mijevjeçarit te ri jane pothuajse te perkryer, pothuajse si njerez te vertete dhe gati nen kontrollin tone. Njeri prej tyre do t'i...
  • Judgment Day (1999)

    Cultists with an enigmatic leader (Mario Van Peebles) seize the only man capable of devising a way to stop a giant meteor from hitting the Earth. Agents (Suzy...

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