After his father dies in South Africa, preteen David Stapleton is dragged to his mother's native Wales, where they inherited a rundown cottage she plans to sell to buy a London antiques shop. Meanwhile they move in there, facing t...


Die grünen Hügel von WalesDie grünen Hügel von Wales


Ska rishikime
  • Arsye dhe Ndjenjë (1995)

    Me Emma Thompson, Kate Winslet, Hugh Grant. Bazuar në romanin me të njëjtin titull të Jane Austen. Historia e dy motrave, në kërkim të dashurisë. Njëra e...
  • Shtëpia Hauard (1992)

    Takimi mes tre shtresave të shoqërisë në Anglinë e fillim shekullit të 20-të: kapitalistët viktorian, Uilkoksët që e konsiderojnë veten si aristokratë dhe që...
  • A Handful of Dust (1988)

    We see the detritus of an abandoned camp in South America and a main character's hallucination. Then, the story begins. Tony (James Wilby) and Brenda Last (Dame...
  • Ethet e Xhunglës (1991)

    A successful and married black man contemplates having an affair with a white girl from work. He's quite rightly worried that the racial difference would make an...

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