As his first assignment, lieutenant Drogo is sent to an isolated fortress on the borders of a desert and of a range of high mountains. The mission of the garrison is to prevent a possible incursion by the fearsome Tartars, coming from beyond the desert. Some fellow officers are eagerly awaiting an attack; some no longer want to believe in it; others take advantage of the vague threat to further their career. All of them are sacrificing everything -- health, youth, friends, family -- for a distant military ideal: leading the defence against the onslaught of the enemy. But in the vast emptiness surrounding the fortress, nobody has ever sighted the Tartars...


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  • Korrieri (2020)

    Bazuar në histori të vërtetë. Grevill Uin, një biznesmen anglez, e gjen veten në zemër të Luftës së Ftohtë kur inteligjenca angleze dhe CIA i kërkojnë të shkojë...
  • St. George Shoots the Dragon (2009)

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