
Taqdeer Ka Tamasha

Taqdeer Ka Tamasha (1990)

Aksion, Krim, Dramë | Indi
Regjia: Anand Gaekwad

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A single mother, Geeta, must deal with her two sons, the elder a Police Inspector Suryapratap; while the younger, Satya, a hoodlum, when both get into conflicts. Things only get worse after Satya gets arrested, arguments ensue and he leaves. He gets hired by Sheshnaag for the sole purpose of exacting vengeance against his rival, Deva. Both brothers are fated to meet again when Suryapratap decides to accumulate evidence to arrest Deva. Neither of the brothers know that Deva has an alias, and is determined to thwart any attempt for revenge nor face any charges under the Indian Penal Code.


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