
Die Liebe hat das letzte Wort

Die Liebe hat das letzte Wort (2004)

Komedi | Gjermani
Regjia: Ariane Zeller

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Vlerësimi: 4.1/10


After the death of his spouse Robert Senden,professor of literature in Graz (Austria) has become a solitary man.His housekeeper, the Italian Maria hardly tolerates his pedantry.Suddenly Maria must travel to Italy for family reasons and Robert Senden will take care of Rick, Maria's godchild till Thomas, the father of Ricky can come for him.But bad news Thomas had an accident and stays now in an hospital.Ricky is desperate and escape from Graz to Italy and Robert Senden will follow him and now begins some days of rest in the house of Maria's mother.


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