
Auris - der Fall Hegel

Auris - der Fall Hegel (2022)

Thriller | Gjermani

Vlerësimi: 5.1/10


Forensic phonetician Matthias Hegel is a luminary in his field. Even the smallest deviation in the sound of a voice is enough for him to distinguish truth from lies and thus convict criminals. When Hegel confesses to a cruel murder, true-crime podcaster Jula Ansorge believes it is a mistake and does everything she can to uncover the truth. But with her research she puts herself in mortal danger.


Foto: RTL / Britta KrehlFoto: RTL / Britta KrehlFoto: RTL / Britta KrehlFoto: RTL / Britta KrehlFoto: RTL / Britta KrehlFoto: RTL / Britta KrehlFoto: RTL / Britta KrehlFoto: RTL / Britta KrehlFoto: RTL / Britta KrehlFoto: RTL / Britta KrehlFoto: RTL / Britta KrehlFoto: RTL / Britta KrehlFoto: RTL / Britta KrehlFoto: RTL / Britta Krehl


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