
Seneca: On the Creation of Earthquakes

Seneca (2023)

Biografi, Dramë | Gjermani
Cinemax | 24.9.24 | 01:55

Vlerësimi: 5.0/10
Vlerësimi i përdoruesit: 10/10


Rome in 65 AD, Emperor Nero‘s tyrannical regime has reached its zenith, Nero‘s self-indulgence and excessiveness brings up the opposition against him, conspiracies threaten his power. By all means Nero tries to defend his despotic claim of sovereignty. The famous philosopher Seneca has been Nero‘s teacher, mentor and close advisor since childhood, he is significantly involved in his ascent. Nevertheless, Nero gets weary of Seneca and Nero uses a foiled attack on his life to falsely accuse Seneca of being an accomplice.


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