
66/67: Fairplay Is Over

66/67 - Fairplay war gestern (2009)

Dramë, Sport, Krim | Gjermani

Ku ta shikojmë
Shfaqja nuk është në dispozicion
Vlerësimi: 5.8/10


For six young men, who could hardly be more different from one another, the fan club of the Eintracht Braunschweig football club is the center of their life and their friendship. 66/67 is the name of their club as well as the year in which Eintracht Braunschweig won the German Championship.


66/67: Fairplay Is Over66/67: Fairplay Is Over66/67: Fairplay Is Over66/67: Fairplay Is Over66/67: Fairplay Is Over66/67: Fairplay Is Over66/67: Fairplay Is Over66/67: Fairplay Is Over66/67: Fairplay Is Over66/67: Fairplay Is Over66/67: Fairplay Is Over66/67: Fairplay Is Over66/67: Fairplay Is Over66/67: Fairplay Is Over66/67: Fairplay Is Over


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