
Heimat Fragments: The Women

Heimat-Fragmente: Die Frauen (2006)

Dramë | Gjermani
Regjia: Edgar Reitz

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Vlerësimi: 6.7/10


Lulu, the daughter of musician Hermann Simon, is looking for something she feels is missing from her life. She delves into the past and is transported to the lives of her ancestors via dreamlike sequences that show the hopes and realities of her female relations over the course of an entire century. Heimat Fragments is an intoxicating trip into the lives of venerable characters from different periods in Lulu's family history, from long-forgotten scenes of war to every day family life on the farm. This gripping film shows fragments of the lives that shaped her own. Her gaze into the past does not simply signal the end of her youth, it means the beginning of a newly gained freedom.


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