
The Devil from Milan

Der Teufel von Mailand (2012)

Thriller, Mister | Gjermani, Zvicër
Regjia: Markus Welter

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Vlerësimi: 5.0/10


Sonia’s nightmare is never ending. Her super-rich husband Frederic is now locked in a psychiatric unit after he attempted to kill her. But her mother-in-law continues to make her life hell by controlling her every move. Getting a job at a wellness spa in the mountains comes at just the rights time. However, on arriving, Sonia quickly realises that the villagers are not particularly sympathetic to newcomers and mysterious things begin to happen, all of them strangely connected to the legend of the devil of Milan. But is it just her mind playing tricks on her? DER TEUFEL VON MAILAND is a thriller based on the novel by Swiss author Martin Suter.


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