
Insaniyat Ke Devta

Insaniyat Ke Devta (1993)

Regjia: K.C. Bokadia

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Balbir and Anwar are close friends who are both honest and brave, and always willing to lend a helping hand to any one who is in need, including the people behind a Ashram (resthouse for the poor). They are in love with two lovely ladies Paro and Husna Bano. Balbir's younger brother Vivek is a student and has fallen in love with another lovely young lady Nisha. Nisha is the daughter of Ranjit, a rich tycoon who will do anything to take-over the land and property of the Ashram, demolish it, and begin construction on it. He enlists the help of corrupt Jail Minister Veni Prasad Bhandari and Thakur Shakti Singh. When Balbir and Anwar frustrate his attempts he has them thrown in jail, and has the Ashram demolished by a bomb, placed by an escaped jail inmate. Balbir and Anwar escape from jail and avenge the demolishment and death of the innocent including Babaji by killing Ranjit in broad daylight, for which they are arrested and get a life sentence. The jail they are in is in charge of Jailer Rana Pratap who is a strict disciplinarian, as well as a honest and incorruptible. All three learn to respect each other.


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