

Saathi (1991)

Regjia: Mahesh Bhatt

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Suraj and Aman are best friends who would die for each other.Suraj's father is brutally killed by a cop for stealing a bread to feed him.Suraj and Aman then take the life of crime to con people when they grow up they come across Pasha a drug lord and Suraj gets fascinated by his lifestyle.Aman meets Asha a club singer and both fall in love.Suraj and Aman get a contract from Pasha to kill Vicky whose testifying against him But Aman finds he is brother of Asha and decides to give away the life of crime and turn a police informer.While Suraj has become a big name in drug world and wants Pasha's throne.Suraj and Aman then part ways and Suraj blames Asha for everything and wants her dead.


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