Har Har Gange

Har Har Gange (1979)

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Devi Maa Ganga, the sister-in-law of Bhagwan Bholeynathji, sires his son, Kartikey, resulting in the death of Tarakasur much to the chagrin of his father, Paap, who unleashes a reign of terror on Prithvilok. Gangey continues to resides in Swarglok refusing to enter Prithvilok despite of the sacrifices of 3 generations of Bhagirath's family. It is then Bhagirath's wife performs a Pooja to appease the nine forms of Devi Maa Durga, while Bhagirath, guided by Brahmaputra Narad Munni, turns to Bholeynathji to try and understand the reason(s) why Devi Maa Ganga refuses to enter the water-parched Prithvilok.


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