
Murer: Anatomy of a Trial

Murer: Anatomie eines Prozesses (2018)

Dramë, Histori | Austri

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Franz Murer, the Butcher of Vilnius, a former Austrian SS officer, established, organized, and ruled the Vilnius ghetto in Lithuania during the World War II. Different survivors of the Shoah testify when he is judged in 1963, hoping to do justice, but, although the evidence is overwhelming, the desire to close this obscure chapter of history seems to surpass the desire for justice.


Murer: Anatomy of a TrialMurer: Anatomy of a TrialMurer: Anatomy of a TrialMurer: Anatomy of a TrialMurer: Anatomy of a TrialMurer: Anatomy of a TrialMurer: Anatomy of a TrialMurer: Anatomy of a TrialMurer: Anatomy of a Trial


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