Jonas and Marit lead an unconventional relationship. The two agree to allow each other freedoms while - even in front of their own children - have no secrets. They moved from Cologne to Berlin because Marit got a lucrative job there. This makes Jonas temporarily unemployed - but one has to take care of children and household. Talking together, being open and honest and making music together is the basis of this family, where everyone can make their own thing and feel at home at the same time, a family where parents see themselves as life-long companions of their children. This modern family code is put to the test when the couple meets a pioneering agreement after 14 years of relationship -both of them do not want to miss family as it is now , but they do not want to give up their sexual needs completely for the sake of domestic peace.


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Ska rishikime
  • Shën Vinsenti (2014)

    Bill Murray, Melissa McCarthy. E detyruar që të punojë orë të gjata, nje nënë beqare i kërkon fqinjit të saj të thyer në moshë dhe grindavec, që të kujdeset për...

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