
Ska rishikime
  • Shëlbim për vrasësin (2017)

    Forest Whitaker, Eric Bana. Bazuar në një histori të vërtetë. Pas periudhës separatiste ne Afrikën e Jugut, Arqipeshkvi Tutu takohet me një vrasës mizor për t'i...
  • I Could Be Your Grandmother (2010)

    A brilliant business lawyer finds that an old Rumanian homeless woman looks a lot like his grandmother. One night, he makes a cardboard sigh for her "I could be...
  • Fairy Tale for Average People (2015)

    A short animated feature made by a successful French actress, director and screenwriter Chloe Mazlo tells a story of Joseph, a young man who decides to get over a...
  • Psycho Party Planner (2020)

    When young art gallery owner and mother Kayla Anderson finds herself drowning in work and in need of help planning her daughter Kerry's big upcoming Sweet Sixteen...

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