
Life Partner

Life Partner (2009)

Regjia: Rumi Jaffery

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Based in Cape Town, specializing in divorces, Jeet Oberoi warns his friends, Karan Malhotra and Bhavesh Patel, about the many disadvantages of being involved in a married relationship. He indicates that marriages result in divorce, if it is a love marriage than the groom digs his grave; and if is an arranged marriage, it is the groom's family that dig his grave. Scoffing at this, Karan gets married with his sweetheart, Sanjana Jugran, much to the chagrin of her dad; while conservative Bhavesh travels to Vishwamitri, Gujarat, along with his entire family, and gets married to a liberal Prachi Jadeja. Incompatibility issues will soon surface, compelling the duo to retain Jeet as legal counsel to expedite their respective divorce proceedings.


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