
Ska rishikime
  • Në vendin tim (2010)

    Nancy Travis, Philip Winchester, Yara Martinez. Pas një aksidenti me makinë, jeta e një mësueseje shumë të rreptë do të ndryshojë tërësisht. Ajo do të jetojë...
  • Viele Kühe und ein schwarzes Schaf (2020)

    Martin has failed as a practical veterinarian and works in research - until now, because he is also losing this job. He's neither stupid nor lazy, just incredibly...
  • Any Day Now (2020)

    A story of an Iranian refugee family in Finland waiting for the decision of whether or not they'll be granted an official asylum status. The story is loosely...
  • The Tiger (1978)

    Sorga 'Tigar' is a retired boxing champion who has no money and his wife has left him for a wealthier guy. He is trying to cope with his pathetic life. Then he...

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