
All She Wrote

All She Wrote (2018)

Dramë, Aksion, Komedi, Romancë | Bullgari, Shtetet e Bashkuara të Amerikës
Regjia: Niki Iliev
Eurochannel | 7.2.25 | 12:40

Vlerësimi: 5.2/10


When Aaron, an ex-fighter, turns to music after years of being knocked around and left with permanent mental disabilities, he falls for Jana, an off-centered Bulgarian immigrant living in New York. While he recognizes that she is as crazy as he is, Jana does not share the same opinion. But her brother, Bobby, an up and coming wannabe fighter, decides to convince her she is that crazy in order to get Aaron in the ring against him.


All She WroteAll She WroteAll She WroteAll She WroteAll She WroteAll She WroteAll She WroteAll She WroteAll She WroteAll She Wrote


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