"The Sleeper's Wife" is a dynamic television production that touches upon the current subject of the assassinations in Western Europe. The singer Yvonne Catterfeld, who is popular in Germany, has starred in the main role. In the film "Terrorist Wife" Catterfeld plays Karla. The woman is in a relationship with Zaid (Rene David Ifrah), with whom she has a son, Hama. Once a husband kidnaps a child and disappears. A desperate woman reports the police. Policemen determine that the man faked passports and escaped with his son to Sudan. Karla follows his lead, wanting to get his son back. On the spot, the woman discovers that Zaid is a terrorist and plans a suicide terrorist attack in the center of Hanover. Karla, together with an agent of the German security service, Tarif (Ercan Durmaz), tries to stop his former partner.


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